Mangrove wood for fish drying and for construction

  It is important to follow the changes that occur as a result of project activities, on the natural environment and the population of the Bakassi area.

The goal is to obtain vital information to make better management decisions for better conservation of Bakassi mangroves in the future, and to ensure that their existence

continues to benefit the local community as much as possible.

Therefore, during this study, stakeholders became aware of the information and tools necessary to monitor and assess biodiversity, the health of ecosystems in mangrove ecosystems.

The DPSIR framework, the main tool for monitoring Bakassi mangrove ecosystems, includes a total of 89 indicators classified into 10 thematic areas, namely:

  • Population and demography;
  • The mangrove landscape and the conservation of biodiversity;
  • Fisheries development and management;
  • Waste Management ;
  • Community livelihood activities;
  • The perception and attitude of the community;
  • Mines and industries;
  • Water and energy;
  • Housing, health, governance, research and education;


indicateurs2    indicateurs3


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